Friday, June 17, 2011

Test shoot at it's finest.

My latest shoot was a test shoot with MUA Chantel Hyden and model Raylin Kelly. It was a simple beauty shoot, but with all test shoots, I tried new lighting methods and got a chance to use my new lens. I LOVE getting new equipment, but I do get nervous when using it for the first time. In this case, I bought a 70-300 lens and a reflector holder. In the case of the reflector holder...not so much. It really couldn't hold the reflector at the angles I needed. Plus, I definitely need to get sandbags. So anyway, I'm in a whimsical mood, and am trying to play with lighting techniques to match my mood. It's amazing how creative you can get with natural light and a five in one reflector. :) Here are my favorite shots from the shoot. I love, love the lighting, and can't wait to continue with experimenting with natural light.

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